Pathway to Healing: Empowering Children with Cancer

How To Made the World Wonderful Again for a Brain Cancer Child
Mateusz Cierpiol
125 students enrolled
Empower children with cancer by providing them with emotional support and understanding their unique needs during their journey.
Develop a comprehensive understanding of cancer, including its formation, types, and treatment options, to better support children with cancer.
Explore complementary therapies and alternative approaches to cancer care, enabling learners to consider holistic treatment options for children with cancer.
Gain insights from Jude's inspiring story and learn how to implement holistic cancer care strategies to positively impact the lives of children with cancer.

Join us on an inspiring journey as we explore the challenges of cancer, not just for patients but also for their families and friends. Coping with this tough illness can take a toll on your emotions and mental well-being. Many people seek extra support and alternative methods to feel better alongside traditional treatments. In this course, we’ll learn about complementary therapies and strategies to improve the lives of children with brain cancer.

Come along as we discover the amazing story of Jude Upton, a brave young boy fighting grade 4 medulloblastoma, a type of cancer that can’t be cured. This course offers a special look at cancer care, including holistic approaches and alternative therapies that work well with regular treatments. Through interesting lessons we’ll explore the emotional and psychological effects of cancer, how cancer develops in the body, different types of cancer, and common treatment options like surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy.

Get ready to be inspired as we share Jude’s incredible journey and the important lessons we’ve learned. Experience the power of holistic cancer care and how it can make a difference in the lives of patients and their loved ones. By taking this course, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of the challenges faced by cancer patients and their families. You’ll also explore innovative strategies to improve well-being and quality of life. Whether you’re a healthcare professional, a caregiver, or simply interested in oncology, this course will provide you with valuable insights and knowledge to support those affected by cancer. Let’s come together to create a supportive and empowering environment for children with brain cancer, helping them on their journey towards healing and strength.

How I've Made the World Wonderful Again for a Brain Cancer Child



Let's Talk About Cancer

Lecture 2: Understanding how cancer affects people emotionally and psychologically.

Unveiling the Journey of Cancer Formation

Lecture 3: Exploring how cancer develops in the body.

Types of Cancer

Lecture 4: Discovering different types of cancer, such as carcinomas, sarcomas, melanomas, leukaemia, and lymphomas.

Treating Cancer: The Conventional Approach

Lecture 5: Discussing common cancer treatments like surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy, and acknowledging their challenges and side effects.

Cannabinoids: Anti-Cancer Activity?

Lecture 6: Exploring the potential of cannabinoids like THC and CBD in fighting cancer, based on studies showing their effects on tumour growth, angiogenesis, cancer cell death, and metastasis.

The Positive Impact of a Plant-Based Diet on Cancer

Lecture 7: Investigating the positive impact of a plant-based diet on cancer prevention and management.

The Beneficial Influence of Breathing Techniques on Cancer Battle

Lecture 8: Understanding how breathing techniques can be a powerful tool in the fight against cancer.

Jude's Story, as told by his mom Katie

Lecture 9: Sharing the inspiring story of Jude, who bravely battles grade 4 medulloblastoma and receives encouraging MRI results showing tumour reduction.


Lecture 10: Conclusion, summarizing key points discussed throughout the course.

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RSO: Revolutionary Cannabis Oil for Healing and Wellness

If you're interested in natural healing methods and promoting wellness, you've come to the right place. RSO, also known as Rick Simpson Oil, is a cannabis oil with remarkable therapeutic properties. In this book, you'll learn everything you need to know about RSO - from its history and production process to its methods of application and potential health benefits. Are you ready to embark on a journey through the world of RSO? Let's get started!

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