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Alcohol and Drug Addictions: Psychology – ACCREDITED CERT

Learn psychology of human behaviour related to addictions, alcohol- and drug treatments, diagnose & symptoms, overdose
Elmira Strange, MPhil, Dip
3,114 students enrolled
English [Auto]
Have an ability to explain human behaviour related to 'addictions'
Understand what 'drug' and 'alcohol' symptomatology and treatments are
Use the knowledge from the course in your current work, study, career
Add the course accomplishment to your CV / Resume!

Are you interested in learning about psychology of addictive behaviour? Would you like to help others through your work?

In this course you will take 26 informative lectures where you will learn:

  •  What the signs and symptoms of addiction are

  •  How ‘addictions’ get diagnosed

  •  What kind of drugs people take (that makes them ‘addicted’)

  •  What psychological and medical treatments available to people diagnosed with addiction are

  •  The steps to full recovery from addictions

 You will also understand:

  • What ‘detoxification treatment’ is

  • Withdrawal from the substance and how it is experienced

  • What ‘overdose’ by drugs is and how often it happens   

  • and so much more!

Are you ready to start  your learning?

Then I’ll see you in my class!

P.S. This course is now fully accredited by the IAOTH – International Association of Therapists!

P.P.S. At the end of the course you will see the instructions on how to obtain your certificate of completion

Introduction to the Course

About your Tutor

In this short introductory video you will find out a few details about your tutor. For example, where she worked before, where she is from, and why she is teaching at this school! 

About the Course

When you are taking this course, don't forget: to take notes as you listen to the lectures, to read the suggested 'additional' literature, pause and reflect on the questions offered after some lessons, email the tutor or the support team if you have any questions, and complete the quiz at the end of this course! 

Introduction to 'Psychology of Addictions'

What is 'Addiction'?

In this lecture we will be looking at various definitions of ‘addiction’ which can be related to various substances such as alcohol, cigarette smoking, illegal and prescription drugs, and various behaviours that can cause issues to the person and their family. Addiction is a topic that can be discussed from a variety of standpoints such as psychology and psychiatry, social work, cultural norm and sociology, spirituality and religion, and much more. So let’s start our course here!

The Nature of 'Addictions'

From our previous lecture you have become aware that ‘addiction’ is a multi-factorial complex condition which needs to be studied from different standpoints. Why people do use drugs or get addicted to alcohol? Do the addictions affect brain in a negative way? How does the brain get affected by certain drugs? Let’s have a look at some answers in this lecture. 

Do 'Genetics' Play Role in 'Addictive Behaviour'?

In the previous lectures we have been discussing that addiction is not only about drugs but about behaviour associated with it, and we’ve also mentioned that many people tend to use more than one addictive substance on regular basis. For some this would involve cigarette smoking and multiple cups of coffee during the day, for others this involves taking illegal or prescription drugs, smoking and/or consuming alcohol. How much of the genetics does influence ‘addiction’? Does it mean that if one of our parents is addicted to some substance, we are more likely to do the same?

Environmental Factors that Contribute to 'Addictions'

During this course we have been talking about the various factors that play a significant role in addiction. Now you know that genetics can be an important contributor to developing addiction in approximately half of all cases. We also know that ‘addiction’ is a complex condition that cannot be explained from a single standpoint or caused by a single factor. Instead, it can be caused by multiple factors including the one we call as ‘environmental factors’. What do we mean when we say ‘environmental factors’? Let’s discuss this topic here! 

Alcohol-related Addictions

Symptomatology of Alcohol Addiction (and ‘Withdrawal’)

In this new section of the course we will be focusing on alcohol-related addictions: the symptomatology and diagnosis, the psychological and physiological effects of alcohol addiction, available treatments and so much more. Let’s start with our first lecture (in this module) where we will be discussing signs and symptoms of alcohol-related addiction.  

Diagnosis of Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD)

In the previous lecture we’ve discussed the various signs and symptoms related to alcohol addiction. Now you know what to look out for when you suspect that someone might be addicted to alcohol. Also, now you know what symptoms the person may experience when they try to quit their addiction so to speak. In this lecture we will have a look at how the person can be diagnosed with alcoholism in order to receive an appropriate treatment. 

Psychological Effects of Alcohol Addiction

In this video we will talk about psychological effects of alcohol addiction, for example, how brain is affected by alcohol consumption and how it can affect the person’s behaviour and moods. When you watch this video, pause and reflect on how you feel when you (or someone you know) are under the influence of drinking. Think ‘psychological effects’ when doing this exercise. 

Physiological Effects of Alcohol Addiction

In the previous lecture you have learned a great deal about the influence of alcohol on the brain and psychological functioning of the person, so in this lecture we will be looking at physiological effects of alcohol both short- and long-term. Remember to take notes and get some additional reading done too! 

Mental Health & Alcohol Addiction

In this lecture we will be examining a relationship between mental health and alcohol dependence. We’ll have a look at questions such as ‘do people with mental health disorders are more likely to consume alcohol?’, ‘do people with mental health disorders use alcohol as their coping strategy?’, ‘is there link between depression and alcohol?’, and so much more

Available treatments (Pharmacolology)

In this lecture we will be talking about available treatments for alcohol addiction. As you know from the previous lectures, there are approximately 17 million (or 7,2%) of US citizens who are addicted to alcohol to the point that they have developed Alcohol Use Disorder and are in need of a treatment. So what kind of ‘treatment’ are we talking about here? Let’s discuss what options are typically presented at the hospital to the person diagnosed with AUD (Alcohol Use Disorder). 

Psychological Treatments (therapy, counselling, CBT, REBT)

Previously, we have been discussing topics such as ‘diagnosis’ and ‘pharmacotherapy treatments’ for addiction so now you have a much clearer picture of ‘how it is diagnosed’ and some of ‘how to treat it’. In this lecture we are continuing with the topic of ‘treatments’ that are available to individuals with alcohol addiction, but with the focus on psychological interventions. 

So what psychological treatments such as different forms of therapy can we suggest to our clients? What is a psychological treatment anyway? 

Steps to Recovery

In this lecture we will be discussing the steps towards recovery from alcohol addiction, and what other factors are considered to be beneficial to overall recovery. Here we’ll discuss for example what is AA and ANON, and what kind of family support would be required. 

As usual, take your time when completing these lectures, follow the suggestions for additional reading, and participate in homework! 

Drug-Related Addictions

What Kind of Drugs People Take (Part 1: Amphetamines, Antidepressants, Opioids)

Hello and welcome to our next section of the course where we will be discussing several topics related to drug addictions. For example, we will discuss the signs and the symptoms of drug addiction, how it gets diagnosed and treated, psychological and physiological effects of various drugs, mental health and drug addiction and so on.

In this lecture we will be discussing several kind of drugs (or ‘substances’) that people become dependent to, how they affect the person’s psychological state, and what kind of euphoria they tend to produce in the brain. Let’s get to our lecture now!

What Kind of Drugs People Take (Part 2: Cocaine, Cannabis, Heroin)

As there many substances people can get addicted too, hence the second part of this lecture ‘What kind of drugs people take’ (as there is so much to discuss here). So let’s continue our discussion and have a look at other addictive substances such as cocaine and marijuana. See you back in the class!

Symptomatology of Drug Addiction

In this lecture we’ll be discussing the signs and symptoms of drug addiction. You will learn about 2 types of symptomatology which are related to long-term use and ‘recent’ use of drugs. Also, you will find out how to spot the signs that someone took an illegal drug such as ecstasy or amphetamine, and what signs would be evident in long-term drug abuse. Let’s get down to another interesting lecture now!

Diagnostic Criteria for Drug-Related Addiction

In this lecture we will be looking at the diagnostic criteria for drug-related addiction: how it is diagnosed, what the medical professional is assessing, how long does it take for getting the right treatment, and so much more. You are already familiar with the topic of diagnostic criteria for the Alcohol Use Disorder, and that will help you to grasp this subject fully as there are many similarities in the diagnostic process for the addiction of various substances. 

Enjoy the lecture, read a book from the recommended reading list, and participate in the homework questions! 

Psychological Effects of Drug Abuse

In this lecture we will be looking at the psychological effects of drug abuse, or in other words, what kind of health-related consequences the person can receive as a result of long-term drug addiction. Of course, this would depend on the type of drugs they have been using, how long they were using this substance for, whether they have any mental or physical health conditions and so on. This is why we will be looking at several types of drugs and their long-term effects on the psychological health of the person suffering with addiction. 

Physiological Effects of Drug Abuse

In the last lecture we have learned what psychological effects of long-term drug use (e.g. anxiety,  range from ‘mild’ to ‘severe’ are, and that potentially those effects can have a long-lasting impression on the person with addiction. In this lecture we’ll have a look at the physiological effects of long-term addiction. Another interesting lecture, not to be missed!

Generally speaking, long-term effects of drug abuse can be serious and even irreversible in some cases. But at the same time, it is important to look at each drug and its effects on the individual. Here we are looking at information presented by the National Institute on Drug Abuse and that is applied to general overview of drug effects. After that, we’ll also have a look at several examples so that you could get a clear picture of what is happening when we are talking long-term drug use. 

Mental Health & Drug Addictions

In this lecture, we will be looking at 'drug addiction' and its relation to 'mental health', and particularly other mental health disorders that can be caused or worsened by the drug use. 

As you know by now, addictions are classified as mental health disorders, so their relevance to other mental health issues is significant. In this lecture we will have a look at the research behind 'drug addiction' and other mental health disorders. So let’s start on our lecture!

Withdrawal Symptoms

In this lecture you will become familiar with withdrawal symptoms of various drugs. Firstly, we will have a look at the various definitions of what we call ‘withdrawal symptoms’. Next, we will discuss  both psychological and physiological symptoms of withdrawal process related to various substances. Finally we will have a look at some strategies of successfully withdrawing from drugs as recommended by professionals. Happy learning! 

What to Do: Overdose

In this course we will be discussing a very important topic on ‘overdosing with drugs’ and what to do in those cases. As you know by now, drugs can have many negative side effects and one of them is a risk of overdosing. So how often does it happen? How is it possible to prevent it? What to do if you witness overdose by drugs? This is what we will be discussing in this lecture, so let’s proceed to it now! 

Available Treatments

In one of our earlier lectures in this course we’ve covered a topic on ‘available treatments for the alcohol use disorder’. As you will see from this lecture, some of the treatments for alcohol addiction would be similar to the treatment options for drug addictions and vice versa. Some of the treatment principles would be similar, whereas others would differ. So let’s get down to the lecture now and start learning about treatment options for drug use disorders. 

Steps to Recovery

In this lecture we will conclude the theme of ‘Psychology of Addictions’ by focusing on the overall picture related to ‘recovery and treatment’ for addictions. There are many ways towards the recovery which needs to be chosen and constructed carefully, all served on individual basis and where individual requirements are taken into account. There are many programmes that focus on several steps towards recovery available these days and in this lecture we’ll have a look at few of them. See you in our lecture!

Thank You and Good Bye!

In this short video your tutor will say her 'thanks' to you and explain how you can continue your learning at this school

'Alcohol & Drug Addictions: Psychology' - FINAL TEST

'Alcohol & Drug Addictions: Psychology' - FINAL TEST

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